Google Map Icons Png Download
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The set of icons is by no means exhaustive, but it does include some commonly used icons that you can use in your signature. If you need more icons, you can easily add them to the zip file and re-generate them at any point in the future. You may need to change the file name to avoid overwriting your previous ones.
These icons are divided into four categories, which are used to communicate the severity of a humanitarian crisis:
S – highly serious: life-threatening situations involving illness, injury, displacement, and extreme weather, especially severe drought and famine
M – moderately serious: serious humanitarian issues that involve significant suffering, or urgent health or safety issues, such as landmines
E – less serious: potential life-threatening situations or disasters that are generally not urgent, such as transportation accidents, landmines, and civil conflicts
V – less urgent: potential life-threatening situations or disasters that are generally not urgent, such as transportation accidents, landmines, and civil conflicts
I would really encourage you to only use the social icons from the sources you are comfortable with. I have added a few extras that I personally use and recommend. You are able to customize the icon and the accompanying text if you want.
You can optionally edit any of the 4 social icons in your signature by clicking on them and editing their text. If you select the remove icon to remove an icon, they will not be removed from the signature. You can also move 827ec27edc