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In 1989 (the year that Gone With The Wind had its centenary) the giant panda was accorded the status of a National Treasure. This is a Chinese national emblem. It was an acknowledgment of the world's fascination with the cute, cuddly animal, which has made its home across a mountain range of eastern China.
Beckford (born December 19, 1970) is an American model and actor best known as a Ralph Lauren Polo model. He was also the host of both seasons of the Bravo program Make Me a Supermodel. Beckford has been described as one of the most successful black male supermodels of all time, achieving fame and huge contracts similar to the female models that had huge success in the 1990s.
Once you're in the Extension Warehouse, you should see a row of plugins (with the extension ID and installation instruction). Click on the row for the [Example Ruby Scripts] plugin. You'll see a blue button in the far right of the popup window. Click that and it'll open the installer. Follow the prompts. After it's done installing, you'll be back in the Google Extension Warehouse . Close it and you should have the Plugins menu again.
In SketchUp, click File > Preferences > Plugins. In the resulting dialog box, click the Plugins tab. Click Install Plugins, and locate and install the [ Example Ruby Scripts ] plugin.
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